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الأحد، 1 يناير 2012

مجموعة احتراف التصميم المعمارى والمناظير الداخلية والخارجية

المجموعة الاولى : ArchiCD for 3DS MAX

مجموعة اسطوانات تعليمية للتصميم المعمارى ArchiCD for 3DS MAX تهتم المجموعة بتعليم التصميم الداخلى و الخارجى على الماكس وتناقش المجموعة العديد من الأفكار المعمارية الخاصة بالمودلينج والإضاءة والخامات وفن التصميم المعمارى على الماكس مستوى المجموعة مبتدئين والمحترفين

المجموعه الثانيه : 3DS MAX Foundations: Lighting & Materials

ArchiCD for 3DS MAX
عدد المجموعة 3 أسطوانات +

Lighting & Materials

عدد اسطوانة واحدة فقط

اجمالى عدد الاسطوانات 4 اسطوانات

ArchiCD for 3DS MAX تفصيل المجموعه الاولى

تفاصيل الأسطوانة الأولى

ArchiCD a complete solution for everybody wanting to get into the exciting world of architectural modeling and rendering inside 3DS MAX. The topics covered are: • Creating floor plans in Max6 or importing from AutoCAD • Creating walls, ceiling, doors, windows, balconies, railing… • Creating furniture like tables, chairs, lamp posts, paintings… • Creating realistic materials for floor, furniture, lights, glass…
Detailed info (each entry is 1 video)
The process of creating new AEC primitives in 3DS MAX6 and demonstrates their effective use.

محتويات الاسطوانة الأولى

The process of creating floor plans in MAX or how to get one from AutoCAD.
The process of creating walls and door openings.
The process of creating doors inside the door openings.
The process of creating window openings and fitting windows inside them.
The process of creating balconies and adding handrails.
The process of creating floor and ceiling cornice.
The process of creating wall cornice and shows how to edit them to allow for door openings.
The process of creating a building from the story that was created in previous videos.
The process of creating a chair using lines and polygonal geometry.
The process of creating a stylized chair using splines and editable polys.
The process of creating a lamp using the lathe modifier.
The process of creating a stylized table and its accessories.
The process of creating a detailed classical table.
The process of creating custom-designed straight stairs.
The process of creating custom-designed spiral stairs.
The process of creating realistic-looking glass.
The process of creating floor tiles with precise dimensions.
The process of creating wood materials and projecting the maps over the geometry.
The process of creating a painting using the Loft compound object.
The process of creating a full 360 degree sky environment with animatable clouds.
The process of creating a lighting post and apply realistic glow effects.
The process of creating a chimney with animatable fire and lighting effects.
The process of applying photorealistic lighting to light up an interior scene

لمزيد من المعلومات عن محتويات الاسطوانة


تفاصيل الأسطوانة الثانية والثالثة

ArchiCD II builds on the concepts learned in the first volume, and expands on them, using a variety of new and efficient techniques in Architectural Modeling. The construction method used in ArchiCD II is different than the one used in ArchiCD I, making Archicd II a natural progression in modeling.
For the Lighting of the Atrium, the author uses Mental Ray 3.4 in a variety of approaches, to create photorealistic lighting in Daytime and Nightime environments.
As a bonus, several tips and tricks videos are included, such as HDRI lighting, Global Illumination with Animation, and Controlling Final Gathering maps.

محتويات الاسطوانة الثانية والثالثة

Topics Covered (4 hours of instruction)
* Creating Sections
* Arches
* Floor
* Arcades
* Windows
* Crossing Vaults
* Ornaments
* Doors
* UV Mapping
* Lighting Setup
* Final Gathering
* Occlusion
* Nightime
* Lamps
* Night lights setup
* Nightime FG
* Texture Creation
* Color Correction
* Falloff Limits
* FG Bounces
* FG and Animation

لمزيد من المعلومات عن محتويات الاسطوانة


تفصيل المجموعه الثانية : Lighting & Materials

مجموعة احتراف الإضاءة والخامات

محتويات الاسطوانة

Light Manipulation workflow
*Include / Exclude
*Decay / Attenuation
*Hotspot / Falloff
*Screen set modeling
*Screen set lighting / Area shadows
*Stroboscope Effect
*Displacement with MRay
*Falloff map
*Water splotches on wood
*Cave Modeling
*Cave Materials
*Cave Lighting
*Deep water
*Theatrical Projection
*Old movie Projection
*Flickering movie Projection
*Faking Global Illumination
*Ambient Occlusion
*Procedural Mapping
*Procedural Mapping Lights
*Skylight 1
*Final Gathering 1
*Final Gathering 2
*Final Gathering 3
*Skylight 2
*Modeling with Lattice
*Global Illumination 1
*Global Illumination 2
*Outdoor Lighting
*Glossy Reflections
*Alpha Channels
*Chamfering edges
*Modeling with Shell
*SubSurface Scattering
*Modeling Columns and Arches
*Unwrap UVW exposed
*MAX -> Zbrush -> MAX

زمن الشرح
Duration: 5 hours 10 mn

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